The Rank Past of the Mounted Guards
(Photo courtesy of
Sgt. Paul Shaw LBIPP (Army) - click photo to enlarge)
The Massed Bands of the Household Division now make way for the Massed Mounted Bands of the Household Cavalry led by the drum horses of the Life Guards and Blues and Royals.
The bands play as they walk past, 'Preobrajensky' (named after the famous Russian footguards). This was a favourite piece of music of Lord Louis Mountbatten, Gold Stick of the Life Guards, and they include it on every Lifeguard troop as a mark of respect.
With the
Mounted Bands now positioned opposite the King, The King's Troop,
Royal Horse Artillery roll forward their guns in three sections.
Each gun and limber weigh 3.5 tons and each gun saw action in the
First World War. The music played as they pass the saluting base
is the 'Royal
Artillery Slow March'. For the artillery regiments the guns are
their Colour and are granted the same respect as the embroidered
colours of other regiments.
(Photo courtesy of Sgt. Paul
Shaw LBIPP (Army))
The music
changes to the 'Life
Guard's Slow March'
as the Household Cavalry, made up of 'The Life Guards' and 'The
Blues and Royals', walk past followed by the
'Blues and Royals' Slow March' and
'The Royals'
Bringing up the rear are the regimental farriers with their glinting axes which would be used to dispatch horses injured in battle. The farrier with the black plume is from the Life Guards.
A mounted
trumpeter signals 'The Trot' and the Kings Troop and Household
Cavalry trot past to the tune 'The Keel Row'.